We have been pretty lucky with most of the boys matches - I think there was only one week that they played at the same time, and they usually play one after the other, so we haven't really had to hang around. Luke is on the bigger field, and they also have a goalie - which Luke has liked to have a go at. It has been a bit chilly at some of the 9am games. At one of the early games in April, the boys all had sweaters under their soccer shirts, and were playing with beanies and gloves on. Luckily, it has warmed up as the season has progressed. They always play at the same field, the only difference being that they either wear the blue shirt, when they are the home team, or the white shirt, when they are the away team. There are enough teams, that they just play within the Colorado Storm teams, each week.

On Saturday night we went up to our neighbours, Mindy and Luke's for dinner. They invited us up, and for dessert, we had S'mores. They are called S'mores, as apparently you have to have 'some more'.
They are a campfire treat, where you toast a marshmallow over the fire, then put it in between two graham crackers (like sweet wheaten biscuits), with a piece of Hershey's chocolate. The warm, gooey marshmallow melts the chocolate, and it is really sweet, but really yummy! You can see in the photo, we are all sitting around the fire pit on their back patio toasting the marshmallows. It was lots of fun, and they have two boys, Hunter and Ethan who are 6 and 4, so the boys all get on well and have a great time. They live on the corner of our cul-de-sac, so you can see a lot of the neighbourhood in the background.
On Tuesday, 'Plum Moms', which is a Mother's group I have done a few activities with, through Meetups, had a 'Hike the Rock' day. We all met at the bottom of Castle Rock with our children, and hiked up to the top of the rock. Quinn and I had been to the gym in the morning, and it was a beautiful day for a hike. Unfortunately, a lot of the mum's had really little kids, so they were all in baby carrier's. There were only a few of us who had toddlers or pre-schoolers, so we were a considerable way behind the majority of the group. Still, it was nice to do the hike, and chat to some other mums. We got home about 1pm, and it was just as well, as the weather turned very quickly. It came over all black, and by the evening it was snowing! So much for Luke's soccer match on Wednesday night, again....
Phil had his official function on Friday in Denver, at the Capitol Building, with the rest of the exchange teachers who are here from Australia. They were presented with certificates, and got to tour the House of Reps and the Senate, which were both in session. They were actually discussing an Education Bill, about bringing in League tables for Colorado schools, which was quite a co-incidence! We had the Black family stay with us, as they are on exchange about 6 hours away, in Durango, in the South of the state. They have three children as well, so Sue and I stayed at home with them, while Warren and Phil went and did their thing in Denver.
They have two girls, Anika and Astrid, who are 14 and 11, and William who is 8. I had to do the right thing and take Sue and the girls shopping to the outlets, and we sent all the boys to soccer. I had a great time showing them the Outlets stores which Castle Rock is famous for, and the boys enjoyed soccer, and then went swimming at the rec centre. Quinn was taken by Astrid, and didn't leave her side the whole time she was here - lucky the feeling seemed to be mutual! This is a picture of them watching TV on the couch, he was not letting her get away.
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