Saturday, March 30, 2013


This week, Ryan was asked to do his yellow belt for Tae Kwon Do.  They have to pass a certain level with all their kicks and sequences, and he had got enough stripes to do the grading.  Once we filled in the form, and paid a fee, he was OK to do his grading, which was to be on Saturday.  However, by the time we got to the end of the week, there was a storm warning for late Friday night, or Saturday.  They were predicting a big dump of snow – up to a foot, so all schools were closed for the weekend.  The TaeKwonDo grading was to be at a school, so it was postponed to next weekend.  In the meantime, Luke managed to pass all his tests, to sit for his yellow belt.  Ryan is in Little Dragons, so he did not have as many sequences that he had to remember, as Luke.  
On Friday night, I had signed up for a wine tasting night.  It was at an independent wine bar, called Water 2 Wine, in Denver.  It was part of the Denver restaurant week, where lots of restaurants have good deals on their meals.  We didn’t get along to any of them, but at Water 2 Wine they had a special whereby you tried a selection of wines, paired with cheeses, meats and fruits.  We started with 5 white wines, moved on to 5 red wines, and then finished with two dessert wines.  I went along with two of our neighbours, Jen and Mindy, and it was lots of fun.  Apparently it is owned by a group of people, and one of them was a guy who was involved in politics – everyone got excited and wanted their photo taken with him, but I had no idea who he was!  At the winery, they import grapes from all over the world, and then make them into wine here.  It was very interesting, and people can sign up to go along and be part of the wine making process.
We made it in, and home on Friday night, before the storm came.  It started snowing about midnight, and then proceeded to snow all day on Saturday.  We had about 8 inches of snow,  and were housebound all day.  It had been predicted though, so we had stocked up on DVDs, and had a pretty good day indoors.  We tidied up in the basement, and set it up for the boys to do craft down there.  They have been making a house, and they played in the basement for a good part of the day, and made a rocket!
On Sunday, there was obviously a lot of snow around.  We went up to Bison Park, near the boy’s school, and did some sledding.  It was a beautiful clear day, and we had a great time.  When we first arrived, it was just us and another girl.  We only have two sleds, and she kindly lent us one of her sleds – which of course, was better than ours!  We spent about two hours up there, sledding down the hill.  Then it got too busy as everyone got out for the afternoon, so we had to move to another spot, which didn’t have as good a run, but was great for snow fights, and we built a snow man.  Quinn and Ryan also built a ‘rocket’ out of an old jump, which was on the astro turf field; that they could sit in.  Then, to finish off our afternoon, we went to Smart Cow, and had frozen yoghurt.  It was a great day, according to the boys!



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