This was a pretty uneventful week. On Monday, Luke was unwell, and Ryan was still not 100%, so we had everyone at home! We made our first trip to the pediatrician - he was very lovely, and gave Luke some tablets which made him feel a whole lot better. He sent our script directly to the pharmacy, and then when we had finished with him, we could drive straight to the pharmacy and pick it up - great system! If I was feeling a little more adventurous, I could have even tried out the drive through script service, where you stay in your car, drive to a window and pay and they pass out your drugs to you - very nice, especially when it is freezing cold, and you have sick children in the car. However, they don't yet provide a pick up service for cough lollies, cough medicine and the like, so I did have to get out of the car and go into the pharmacy. I am looking forward to using the drive through service at some point though! The boys are also very impressed with the drive through postal service, at the post office, where you stay in your car and just drive by the post box, and drop your letters in. Every time we have been to the post office, we have been sending something to Australia, so have needed to go into the post office, but another handy system, if you want to avoid getting everyone in and out of the car, unnecessarily!
On Wednesday, there was a Pot Luck lunch for the spouses of people who are here on exchange. Quinn and I went along - it was in Denver, about a thirty minute drive from our house, but it was interesting, as we have not really been into Denver except to the Science & Nature Museum, during the first week we were here. It was hosted by Americans, most of who had been on exchange to Australia at some point, and they were all very helpful with things we should see and do, and just information in general. Two other spouses attended, and it was good to chat with them and see what they had been up to. They were pretty impressed that we had driven there, as neither of them had been game enough to drive over here yet - I would be going crazy! It is not that bad once you get used to it, I just keep reminding myself that the driver is always on the inside of the road. It is the little things that get you through, I guess.
Quinn and I pretty much lied low for the rest of the week, still not feeling great. I know when he asks me to go for a sleep in the middle of the day, that he is not very well! On Saturday, Phil, Luke and Ryan ventured into town. They all came back with hair cuts, books and DVDs from a visit to the library, and a new remote control helicopter. The helicopter was Luke's purchase from his Christmas money, and he was pretty rapt. However, it wasn't launching very well, which we put down to just needing to be charged. Phil has since looked into it, and the manufacturer explained to us that apparently that model of helicopter doesn't work well at this altitude (we are in the mile high city - Castle Rock is at over 6,000 feet above sea level). He told us that if we cut off the blades and sent them a picture of it, they would send us a different model, that will work at this altitude. So Luke is patiently waiting for a new one to arrive!
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