Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mother's Day

 Sunday was Mother's Day, and I was lucky enough to get a cup of tea and raisin toast brought to me in bed, and I even got to eat some of the toast!  The boys made me some lovely cards, which are in the picture to the left, and Ryan made me a colourful tea light holder.  The 'potted plant' holds a number of vouchers, for Target, a coffee shop in Castle Rock, a hair cut, and a massage - so I was pretty spoilt :)  Our neighbour Jen called, and she was going for a pedicure, so I went along with her and we had a blissfully indulgent, and quiet morning at the spa.  When I got back, we all went out for brunch.  It was a gorgeous day, and we headed into Parker to a place called 'The Egg & I'.  They served a lovely brunch, I had Eggs Benedict, which is my favourite brekky, and the boys had pancakes and waffles.  Phil figured he had already had breakfast, and had a sub for lunch, but it was really nice to go out, and the boys always enjoy eating out!  Afterwards, we went for a walk up the main street, as they had markets on - apparently from now until the end of September there are lots of markets, and farmers markets around.  This one is on every Sunday, and we will have to go back as they were packing up by the time we got there.  There was also a great park which we stopped and had a play at.  Quinn loved the playground, and there was also a basketball court there, so Luke and Ryan were happy shooting hoops.  They even manage to get some in, as it is a long way up for them! 
Luke had two make up games of soccer this week, and they also had their team photos taken.  The season officially finished on Saturday, but because of snow and rain Luke finished on Wednesday.  This is a picture of him and some of his team mates from the Colorado Storm, lining up to high five the other team at the end of their game on Monday.  On Wednesday they had cupcakes, and their coach presented them all with medals for the season.  Luke got the award for most goals scored, so he was pretty pleased with himself!  Ryan's team usually trains on Tuesdays, although I think that it has either rained or  snowed on every Tuesday since the season began at the beginning of April! 
His coach invited their team to a party at Pizza Hut on Tuesday, and they all enjoyed catching up, eating pizza, and she also presented them each with a trophy, so they Ryan was rapt.  The soccer is a split season - they play the Spring season now, and it goes for about 8 weeks.  Then it stops over summer, and a lot of the kids play baseball, and then there is a Fall season, which they play once school returns.  Luke is really keen to play again, but Ryan would prefer to play basketball.  I need to look into it, as a lot of their sports are played over the Summer break.
On Wednesday, Luke's class had a field trip to the Castle Rock museum.  They asked for parent's to volunteer, so I got to go with them.  We all got the bus at 9.30am, and headed into the museum.  The bus driver wasn't certain of where the museum was, but once we got over that little hurdle, it was all good!
  His class has been studying the History of Castle Rock and Colorado at school, and had learnt about the rhyolite which was mined here, and was basically the reason that Castle Rock began.  The museum is tiny, and is housed in the original train station, which was moved to it's new location in the 1970s.  It is run by volunteers, who are pretty passionate about preserving the history of the town.  It had a shop front, with old fashioned tins and grocery items, exhibits of old toys and a model train, along with a machine which the kids could all do Morse Code on, which was a favourite.  Most of the history came from the talks given by the volunteers who work there.  It was a beautiful day, and nice for everyone to get out of the classroom for a little while.
Phil volunteered to help out at a track meet on Wednesday afternoon.  The kids don't get to do sport at school - only gym, which is the equivalent of our PE, and it is only for one hour each week.  With our kids (in elementary school), they only get involved in sport if their parents organise it.  Once they get to Middle School, the schools organise sport a bit more, but it is outside of school hours.  The teacher's get paid extra to coach teams, and the kids are usually pretty motivated as it is voluntary for them to participate.  So, Phil went to an inter school track meet.  He was on the long jump, and was raking the sand pit all afternoon!  Something different, anyway, and he said all the kids were really polite and into what they were doing.  A bit different to Sports carnivals he has supervised in Australia where the kids are expected to participate, whether they are really interested or not!
On Friday night, we went to the Rio Grande Mexican restaurant, with some of Phil's colleagues.  It was a fun restaurant, which is renowned for it's Margarita's - so I had to try one!  I had a strawberry and mango margarita, and I am no connoisseur, but it was yummy.  It was really  nice to meet some of the people that Phil works with. 

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